So there have been some changes to the show in May, most notably the location. Lawrence Gallery Portland has been closed, temporarily or permanently is yet to be decided from my understanding. SO, the show has been moved to Lawrence Gallery Sheridan, which is their Oregon wine country location. The Sheridan location is a great gallery, just a bit of a different feel than the Portland Pearl District. Since it is not in Portland the opening reception does not coincide with "First Thursday". The opening reception will now be on Sunday, May 2nd from 2-4pm. It has been crazy, I have felt a bit tossed around in gallery politics, but I will be glad to have the show still go off, and I am sure it will be great! All of the paintings for the show are now posted to my website.
As the Blue Print 3 declares, "on to the next one". I am now painting towards my show in Charleston SC at Wells Gallery this August with Evan Harrington. This should be a fun show, I am looking to do a whole variety of pieces, I will keep some updates coming.